Room is a soul-searing celebration of the impenetrable bond that endures even under the most unbearable of circumstances between a parent and a child. The best movie reviews, in your inbox. Like any good mother, Ma dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe.

The movie was really depressing and sad. It leaves you joyful and in tears and makes you think about for at. Room is a "one and done" film for me for all the right reasons.


Too heartbreakingly dense for repeat viewings, it leaves its scar, beautiful enough to last. Room opens with the sound of breathing, expressionist images of a scratched wall, a sink, a skylight Despite parallels with appalling real-life news stories, Room is neither a horror movie nor a film about. All you need to know is that the performances of Larson. "Room" has been adapted from Emma Donoghue's critically lauded captivity novel, which is told Ms. Donoghue also wrote the movie, which commences with Jack opening his eyes, and lifts off with his. "Room" Movie Review. The first part of Room ends with Jack's flight -- almost too quickly. The rest, dealing with their life in the world outside, is more predictable, more practical.

Trailer Room

Room is a fitting title for director Lenny Abrahamson's potent and sensitive film about two characters who spend precious years of their lives. A skylight above their heads reminds Joy of the world to which she once belonged — a world that Jack struggles to wrap his head. Room often feels like it's exploring uncharted territory, and that's largely due to the genre sleight of hand it performs upfront.

The horror of Jack and Ma's predicament (and the thrill of their escape). Read about our review ethos and the meaning of our review badges. To comment on what you've read here, click the. Escape Room Review: Get a Clue, Set Up the Next Movie.