The film was written and directed by Robert Towne. Tom Cruise (with Paula Wagner and Cruise/Wagner Productions) served as one of the film's producers. Adapted from a novel by John Fante, Robert Towne's Ask the Dust stars Colin Farrell as Arturo Bandini, a young writer who comes to Los Angeles during the Great Depression in Who would have guessed that Robert Towne, the writer of Chinatown, could make a movie as awful as Ask the Dust?
Ask the Dust movie reviews & Metacritic score: Adapted from a novel by John Fante, Robert Summary: Adapted from a novel by John Fante, Robert Towne's Ask the Dust stars Colin Farrell as Arturo Bandini, a young writer who comes to Los Angeles during the Great Depression to write a novel. This is a movie which, like its hero, has great ambitions but fails pitifully in many of them, yet one which can be treasured for. Read the Empire Movie review of Ask The Dust.
A curiously resistable drama, despite several strong elements the most notable being newcomer. Among the most committed of these is writer-director Robert Towne, who's been trying to get Fante's Ask The Dust made for years. A REAL PAGE-TURNER Hayek and Farrell share a romantic bedtime story. Like so many other good-intentioned attempts to convert magnificent prose into a movie, the film loses the original's vitality in the translation. The tone of this movie kind of confused me. Some of the acting came off a little…campy?
Trailer Ask the Dust
That's not quite the right word. Robert Towne's filmic version of the novel, shows that as a film, Ask the Dust is a good book. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Ask The Dust.
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