It got ecstatic reviews and a spread in Life magazine, but was a disappointment at the box office. Cobb, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, E. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Jack Warden, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Robert Webber.

While it can be chided for its lack of realism (Fonda's architect has trhe skills of a detective), this is both a dedeicated suspenser (as the discussion hots up, the men begin to wilt in the humidity). With layer upon layer upon layer, this is a movie I could talk about hours, and always finding new aspects to discuss on each viewing. As a lawyer, this movie (along with A Few Good Men) is what inspired my career in law.

12 Angry Men

Lumet's debut, Rose's adaptation of his television play: verbose, stage-bound, predictable and acted to within an inch of its life. Cobb's resistant blowhard, racked with daddy issues and not about to let an ungrateful teen go free. A closer look at the performances reveals a minimum of Method fussiness. Twelve jurors convene to decide the verdict in a murder trial.

Trailer 12 Angry Men