In this movie sequel to the hit series, Chuck returns home and talks to a reporter about life on the island with zany larva pals Red and Yellow. Sort by: Helpfulness Review Date Total Votes Prolific Reviewer Review Rating. This video is about a chinese action movie Double world. after completing this movie i am here in Drama Movie List to talk about this movie and give review.

Read what users think about the movie. Best review: That was worth a watch. Great sets, Many actors I have never seen before, so that was nice.

Double World

A good plot, typical Chinese movie romance parts. Nice CGI, worth the time on a. The good bit is the first half: So this film is amazing at the beginning - a brilliant "get the team together and do amazing things, nice guys finish first, rise over prejudice and. Double World might be based on a Chinese game that I've never heard of, but dammit if I didn't have a blast watching this modern fantasy wuxia film. The CGI is not great, but the arena elements of the movie were so much fun to watch. I struggled to focus at the beginning of the movie but by the mid.

Trailer Double World

To watch the movie we just need to verify you are not a robot. Read Common Sense Media's The Double review, age rating, and parents guide. Otherwise, the movie takes place in a world that seems rather hopeless and in which suicide is a common practice.

Moreover, the film's characters belong to a utilitarian world and not a moralistic one, showing there is room for people who double-cross each other to make money. From the looks of it, the genres might be historical, fantasy, and wuxia (but I'm not totally sure). There's no info on mydramalist yet :sweat_smile Movie Reviews. I watched it with subtitles on for English.