A SIMPLE FAVOR, a stylish post-modern film noir directed by Paul Feig, centers around Stephanie A deeply confused movie that feels like a mash-up of Mean Girls and an episode of Law and Order. A Simple Favor is a genuinely good time, if you can handle its more abrasive and subversive qualities. "A Simple Favor" is a pretty delicate balancing act. It's a thriller told with a broad sense of humor (even slapstick at times).
Well acted, the story is good and it all fit together very nicely. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie. A Simple Favor Movie Review today!
Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding. The ground is laid for a sequel, and if it could be as sharp and funny as A Simple Favor, it would be welcome. This movie is twisty, nasty, snake-pit-y fun. A Simple Favor Review: Anna Kendrick & Blake Lively Shine in Paul Feig's Thriller. A Simple Favor is a delightfully twisty psychological thriller with compelling performances, and much of Paul Feig's humor, but little substance. And in A Simple Favor, Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively shine as they rarely have before.
Trailer A Simple Favor
Paul Feig's clever, naughty suburban noir turns mommy blogger Anna Kendrick into a one-woman private eye "A Simple Favor" sets Kendrick loose to do all four, some more figuratively than others. There's so much on Feig's checklist that you're not sure where the film. Saying that A Simple Favor was a 'little' surprise is putting it tremendously light; this was a huge surprise for me.
Don't get me wrong, I thought that the movie looked like it would probably be good from the trailers I saw and I am fond of director Paul Feig's work for the most part. 'A Simple Favor' tries to mix twisty mystery with absurdist humor. The first major success for director Paul Feig, the film was And it is in her sleuthing that we see a definitive divide between A Simple Favor and other fair such as Gone Girl. For Stephanie actually relishes her quest for answers. Stephanie Smothers might be in the running for world's best single mom.