Gundala is a movie that combines the dark side of reality with a compelling and solid storyline for the protagonist and antagonist. Gundala is Indonesia's first big-budget attempt at a home-grown superhero franchise and cinematic universe. The Indonesian superhero movie gets its game on with Joko Anwar's adaptation of the beloved comic about a lightning-charged crime fighter. 'Gundala': Film Review.

Starring: Robertino, Tara Basro, Bront Palarae and others. Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety.


Review Gundala /Ulasan Gundala dari dafunda Movies. Bagi kamu yang belum nonton dan ingin tahu Review Gundala, Bisa Baca Ulasan Gundala Dari Kami Disini! Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety. When the condition of the city gets worse and injustice rages throughout the country. Gundala (from Javanese: lightning) is an Indonesian super hero, who gets his power from lightning strikes. Режиссер: Хоко Анвар. В ролях: Сесеп Ариф Рахман, Ханна Аль Рашид, Tara Basro и др. Скромный ученый после удара молнии получает сверхспособности - он может развивать огромную скорость и метать электричество.

Trailer Gundala

Action, Crime, Drama Abimana Aryasatya, Abirama Putra Andresta. Berlangganan blog ini. follow this blog! Tapi saya sih optimis Gundala tidak akan flop di pasaran, soalnya film-film superhero dari luar yang ga terlalu bagus aja ya.

Contact Gundala The Movie on Messenger. Saya berkesempatan membuat review komik Gundala movie adaptation, seberapa berpengaruh ke dalam cerita filmnya dan semenarik apa komiknya? Simak review-nya berikut ini, tapi awas spoiler! Starring: Abimana Aryasatya, Abirama Putra Andresta, Aming Sugandhi and others.