'Storm Boy' has grown up to be Michael Kingley, a successful retired businessman and grandfather. When Kingley starts to see images from his past that he can't explain, he is forced to remember his long-forgotten childhood, growing up on an isolated coastline with his father. Storm Boy's loose education comes from his father, leaving him endless time to wander the beach.

Everyone in the movie is in mourning -- all of the main characters have lost parents, wives, and/or children -- and the ending is a major heart-wrencher (worse than Old Yeller, but not as harsh as The Yearling). Storm Boy is a sad story, one that Monjo and Seet handle well, helped in no small part by fantastic performances from all those involved. From Courtney to Rush, everyone is on their a-game but it's in Finn Little that both have struck gold.

Storm Boy

This young boy has the weight of the entire movie on his. "Storm Boy Drowns in Shallow Water". Storm Boy is an Australian drama family film based on the novella by Colin Thiele of the same name. The adaptation was directed by Shawn Seet and stars Geoffrey Rush and Jai Courtney. The film 'Storm Boy' is based on a novella by Colin Thiele, of the same name. It has helped teach generations of children about respect and love towards animals and aboriginal. Production: (Australia) A Sony Pictures (in Australia/Good Deed Entertainment in U.

Trailer Storm Boy

S.) release of a Screen Australia, South Australian Film Corp., Piccadilly Pictures, Aurora Media Holdings, Salt Media. Emitting strong Fly Away Home vibes, Storm Boy is as beautiful as it is escapist. Shifting between the past and present, this touching story of a youngster and his best friend pulls heavily on the heartstrings, showcasing once again the unbreakable bond that.

Storm Boy weaves a captivating tale about a boy and his birds. It's a bittersweet story that will pull out tears and smiles. Jai Courtney as Hideaway Tom; Geoffrey Rush as Mike 'Storm Boy' Kingley; Erik Thomson as Malcolm Downer; Finn Little as Storm Boy; Morgana Davies as Madeline; Trevor. They also explore the virtues of solitude, particularly as a.