'The Godfather' is the pinnacle of flawless films! The first time I viewed 'The Godfather' I was in my early teens and it was the most astounding film I had ever seen, and has since then stood as my all-time favourite film. It is due to this that I have been looking forward to writing a review of this.

Godfather Movie Review: The title credits of Godfather play over animated visuals of a lion trying to hunt down a deer. It is a very explicit description of what the film is all about - the protagonist, a timid family man, has to fend off the antagonist, a feared gangster. OUR GODFATHER is a feature-length documentary about Tommaso Buscetta, the first high-ranking Italian mafia boss ever to turn against Cosa Nostra.

Our Godfather

This is the top-down theory of the mafia: a capo's-eye view different from the chaotic, venal lives of. Simply as a story, the Michael scenes in "The Godfather: Part II" engage our emotions. Of all of the reviews I have ever written, my three-star review of "Part II" has stirred the most disagreement. Then why is it a "great movie"? Because it must be seen as a piece with the unqualified greatness of "The. Our view is obscured slightly by out of focus figures, but Michael's face is ever clear, ever Could any review of The Godfather be complete without talking about the acting pedigree in this movie?

Trailer Our Godfather

I love the Godfather movie(s), I watched them more than millions times and I still do watch them from time. Review: Godfather is enjoyable in parts. We have updated our Privacy and Cookie Policy.

If you continue to use our site, you agree to the updated Policies. Read what our users had to say about The Godfather at Metacritic.com. For leaked info about upcoming movies, twist endings, or anything else spoileresque, please use the following method: >! Twas the butler!< The godfather has a certain weightiness to it that makes it hard to watch a bunch of times. "The Godfather" Movie Review Student's Name Institution Affiliation.