« Sisters in Arms» is a film about the last World war that Women and Kurdish won for us. While Trump decided to abandon the Kurds, it is vital to help them. This film reminds us how the won the war for us.

I know I say "Thursday" in the video when it's actually Friday but my internet kind of died and I wasn't able to upload this video until. Sisters in Arms (French: Sœurs d'armes) is a French war-drama film based on historic events, written and directed by Caroline Fourest. Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces.

Sisters in Arms

Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in different cultures but deeply united. Sisters in Arms has its heart in the right place, but absolutely nothing else. This film is such a betrayal of the amazing battalion of women in Kurdistan who fought the Daesh because it's a heavy handed, melodramatic, amateurish after school special made for TV movie special episode of some bad. Starring: Dilan Gwyn, Amira Casar, Camélia Jordana and others.

Trailer Sisters in Arms

The film follows the experiences of three members of the Canadian military: Katie Hodges, an infantry soldier. Review: Mysticons - "Sisters in Arms". The movie's main contribution is its fresh look at the Vietnam War, being refought in the Kerry-Bush presidential campaign at the time of the film's release.

Sisters in Arms is the series premiere of Mysticons as well as the first episode in the season. The movie tells the story of Zara, a young Yazidi woman who after being kidnapped by a British jihadist, eventually manage to escape and join a group of women fighters trying to overthrow the. Starring: Dilan Gwyn, Amira Casar, Camélia Jordana and others. Red Snake is a film of war on women's war.