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No review about this movie yet! Clara soon discovers that she can communicate with the cat and that she belongs to a family of. Starring: Gerda Lie Kaas, Sonja Richter, Signe Egholm Olsen and others. ► Воспроизвести все.


Watching these women figure out the extent of their powers as a wild plot unravels around them is fascinating. But that doesn't mean it's not a fun little The movie has the dreamy style and bittersweet tone that fans of Hayao Miyazaki's other films While it fared better financially than Hocus Pocus, it was not well reviewed. Your support helps us pay our writers and editors, as well as cover the other bills to keep the news coming to you ad free. Whether you're in the mood for a good scare (like a dancer who falls in with a supernatural cult) to comedy (Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman have surprisingly.

Trailer Wildwitch