This movie a great mother-daughter tale -- it's just not quite the warrior princess story you might have hoped for. There's still a lot to love about Brave. The animation is breathtaking -- particularly Merida's blazing red curls, which are so detailed that you can imagine touching them strand by mesmerizing. "Brave" is the latest animated film from Pixar, and therefore becomes the film the parents of the world will be dragged to by their kids.

The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets. Brave may not match the calibre of story that's come to be expected from the studio, but it does introduce a wonderful new female character that will inspire long after the credits roll. Pixar's new movie, Brave, isn't about talking cars or toys.

The Brave

In this latest feature film from the animation studio, a princess The good and bad in brave. It's not often that you find a movie with a great family message that's funny, entertaining and safe for most ages to watch. Revisit these iconic summer movies, from coming-of-age favorites, to whirlwind romances, to camp slashers. Brave is a beautiful and moving new fairy tale that fits seamlessly into the genre; Princess Merida Brave is at its best when it's smartly and charmingly changing what we think think a Disney. To be a Disney princess is to have mommy issues. Snow White's stepmother wanted to kill her.

Trailer The Brave

This place is populated by fearsome beasts, hidden dangers and unexpected threats. And the subject matter can play on a child's deepest fears. Brave is written and directed by Mark Andrews.

There have been a few big animation movies this year, with very different approaches and styles. Review for the film " The Brave". Brave is a fantastically empowering movie for mothers and daughters. My first thoughts are to say how Awesome, Fantastic, and Wonderful the movie BRAVE is, but truly that just isn't enough to do this film justice.