The finest (and predictably, the most distressing) segment of "The Wolf Hour" arrives when lights get wiped out across the city. Griffin plays the well-known, violent and chaotic beats of the historical occurrence with impressive believability. The Wolf Hour begins to feel strangely like an allegory for the paranoid fears of white women in a world of scary Black men.

Shanghai Film Review: 'The Wolf Hour'. The Wolf Hour movie reviews & Metacritic score: June (Naomi Watts) was once a celebrated counter-culture figure, but that was a decade ago. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box.

The Wolf Hour

Please do not use ALL CAPS. There is no linking or other HTML allowed. Naomi Watts in "The Wolf Hour."Credit. This is my review of the movie The Wolf Hour. Read Common Sense Media's The Wolf Hour review, age rating, and parents guide. June smokes throughout the movie and occasionally smokes pot and drinks to excess.

Trailer The Wolf Hour

In "The Wolf Hour," Naomi Watts once again shows her special affinity for hard-edged sufferers grinding out a way to survive. The apocalyptic anxiety of our present sociopolitical moment is the not-so-hidden undergirding of Alistair Banks Griffin's psychodrama "The Wolf Hour," in which Naomi. The Wolf Hour by Alistair Banks Griffin ("Two Gates of Sleep", "Gauge") uses this appropriate time period as a background to its plot, but maybe a bit too literally: June, Naomi Watts ("Mulholland Drive", "King Kong"), our protagonist, is a recluse writer too afraid to step outside her apartment.

THE WOLF HOUR is a polarizing allegory on isolation & the internal/external dangers in our lives which fuels our own paranoia. Takes place in a single location with the great Naomi Watts in every scene. Like watching a short story play out on the screen but unfortunately that means the plot is extremely thin. THE WOLF HOUR is a slowburn psychological thriller starring Naomi Watts.