You may not like the hosts, but a documentary about the crackdown on free speech In the movie, Carolla and Prager trade barbs and First Amendment arguments in their joint public appearances, which often take place at colleges — though in one case, they're set to. "No Safe Spaces" makes the case for why it's actually healthy, if not essential, to be exposed to ideas you disagree with and even violently don't like; it toughens the muscles, preparing The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Read Common Sense Media's No Safe Spaces review, age rating, and parents guide. The parents' guide to what's in this movie.

They advocate for "safe spaces" in which people won't be offended by ideas they may find troubling. But is that what America is about? No Safe Spaces contends that identity politics and the suppression of free speech are spreading into every part of society and threatening to divide Did You Know?

No Safe Spaces

This video doesn't show Donald Trump because this "safe space" phenomenon happened during the Obama administration. No Safe Spaces is now playing in select theaters. Christian Long is a freelance writer and pop culture obsessive based in Austin, Texas, who reviews movies The review was just an angry opinion piece that seems to reinforce the need for an anti safe space documentary. No Safe Spaces skillfully, intelligently, and amusingly exposes the intellectual rot eating away at Free Speech in American higher education. I went to see Adam Carolla's and Dennis Prager's No Safe Spaces this afternoon and I had just one problem with the movie: At a huge multiplex in. "A Compelling and Scary Warning". What You Need To Know: NO SAFE SPACES is a scary documentary about the attack on freedom of speech by the Radical.

Trailer No Safe Spaces

No Safe Spaces, starring Adam Carolla & Dennis Prager reveals the most dangerous place. Our country was founded on the principles of dialectic dialogue. Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about the documentary film No Safe Spaces.

Dave discusses how this film is the perfect culmination of everything that. Not that "No Safe Spaces" mentions that. Of course, that stunning resonance has stopped just short of translating into success with And really, it's no surprise audiences are biting and establishment critics and outlets are sabotaging the early reviews. Thank you for rating this movie!