Read Common Sense Media's The Rookie review, age rating, and parents guide. The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Intended to entertain, not educate, but with some positive social messages about setting goals and working toward them.

The Rookies theme is no exception. The music prepared us for. "The Rookie" combines two reliable formulas: The Little Team That Goes to State, and the Old-Timer Who Realizes His Youthful Dream. The movie is so resolutely cobbled together out of older movies that it even uses a totally unnecessary prologue, just because it seems obligatory.

The Rookies

The Rookies Ratings & Reviews Explanation. The Rookies themselves were the same but in the movie. The Rookies (Chinese: 素人特工), is a Chinese action film written and directed by Alan Yuen, starring Wang Talu, Sandrine Pinna, Milla Jovovich, Xu Weizhou and Liu Meitong. Filming took place in Hungary and China. An underrated buddy-cop film that no one ever talks about. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for The Rookie.

Trailer The Rookies

There is little that is new in THE ROOKIE as the tired formula old cop/young cop story has been done countless times. This is a Clint Eastwood film, however, and the quality of the filmmaking is extremely. Starting the first of SIX Kubrick movies.

It was fun diving in to such a well known movie, one that is directed by a widely agreed upon 'master director'. The Rookie refers to Jim Morris, Dennis Quaid, who well into this thirties became a 'rookie', or newcomer to major league baseball. I was fully prepared to take the L on this movie in order to prove my undying love & support for Xiao Zhan. and then Milla Jovovich started stabbing people in the neck while 'Papillon' by Jackson Wang played in the background and suddenly. "Major League Dreams". What You Need To Know: THE ROOKIE stars Dennis Quaid in the title role as a high school coach, Jimmy Morris. "The Rookie" has the few auspices necessary for a functionally pleasant procedural: Its star is handsome and charming.