Male birds build, dance, and sing to attract females. Read Common Sense Media's Dancing with the Birds review, age rating, and parents guide. The parents' guide to what's in this movie.

Dancing with the Birds (original title). From ruffling their majestic feathers to nailing im-peck-able courtship routines, birds in paradise flaunt their best moves in hopes of landing a mate. Some of the world's most majestic birds display delightfully captivating mating rituals, from flashy dancing to flaunting their colorful feathers.

Dancing with the Birds

Netflix documentary Dancing with the Birds is a wonderful piece of work, demonstrating how birds in paradise do the most extravagant things to land a Firstly, Dancing with the Birds has astounding patience behind the filmmaking. Every time I view anything that attaches to the wildlife genre, I always. The premise revolves around exotic birds doing mating rituals. Movie Synopsis: Some of the world's most majestic birds display delightfully captivating mating rituals, from flashy dancing to flaunting their colorful feathers. Dancing with the Birds (Netflix) saw handsome males busting their best moves, while female "judges" watched with beady eyes. When a bush pig tried to vandalise it, the bird did an uncanny impression of a barking dog to scare it away - before running through his full mimicry repertoire, which included.

Trailer Dancing with the Birds

But Dancing with the Birds is more than a best-of compilation. The filmmakers introduce us to individual birds as the male dancers strive to present their best side to females watching nearby. We see not only their successes, but their failures, too, all affectionately narrated by the richly accented Fry.

Sign in to add this movie to a playlist. Some of the world's most majestic birds display delightfully captivating mating rituals, from flashy dancing to flaunting their colorful feathers. Be the first to review "Dancing with the Birds" Cancel reply. From ruffling their majestic feathers to nailing im-peck-able courtship routines, birds in paradise flaunt their best moves in hopes of landing a mate..