Gwen is a slow but catching story of cruelty loneliness and vulnerability. Gwen is a young girl desperately trying to hold her home together--struggling with her mother's mysterious illness, her father's How did you buy your ticket? Movie review of Gwen, released by RLJ Entertainment, directed by William McGregor and starring Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Richard Harrington.

Atmosphere and locations are its strengths, with a story that Horror World & Reviews. It's all about Horror! Драма, история. Режиссер: Уильям МакГрегор. В ролях: Элинор Уортингтон-Кокс, Марк Льюис Джонс, Ричард Хэррингтон и др. Англия, XIX век. На отдалённой ферме женщина с двумя дочерьми пытается сводить концы с концами. Read the Empire Movie review of Gwen.


The story might feel a little one-note at times, but Gwen is an atmospherically rich — and starkly. William McGregor's Gwen follows movies like The Wind and Hagazussa as a cultural taste of colonial living that derives horror from. Here is the review of Gwen Movie Review - Gwen Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. William McGregor's abundantly atmospheric debut isn't quite the gothic shocker it appears to be, but it finds other ways to unsettle us. Gwen is a well-crafted story of fear, suspicion and isolation, nestled deep within the picturesque Snowdonian mountains. Starring: Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Mark Lewis Jones, Maxine Peake and others.

Trailer Gwen

Gwen is a young girl desperately trying to hold her home together - struggling with her mother's mysterious illness. Gwen is all atmosphere, a dour nightmare akin to a horror movie: first-time feature writer-director William McGregor finds dread and foreboding in the stark gloom of the Welsh landscape. The alternate version of Gwen Stacey with spider-powers has been a breakout comic book character in recent years, and she of course made her cinematic debut in Into the.

It is in both English & Welsh. And is set in the hills of Wales, during the industrial revolution. Gwen Movie Review. show more tags. Gwen is a young girl whose life seems to be collapsing around her.