high [haɪ]Прилагательное. high / higher / highest. высокий. High may refer to: High (surname). High (computability), a quality of a Turing degree, in computability theory.

Extending a specified distance. Транскрипция и произношение слова "high" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры. adjective, high·er, high·est. having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall. having a specified extent upward situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high platform; a high ledge. exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high. A dialect of English utilizing esoteric and pedantic words to describe mundane and rudimentary occurrences. However, after a competent introduction to society in the high rise, Laing and the others get lost in an incoherent narrative that favours aesthetics and absurdity over credible character interplay.

High & Low: The Worst

Trailer High & Low: The Worst