A novel driven movie discuss about how bias can grow among society. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. This is a review video from Diyah Mukawiyati for the final exam duty.
Feminisme masih menjadi hal baru bagi masyarakat Korea Selatan yang konservatif dan menjunjung tinggi kaum laki-laki. Perempuan masih dianggap manusia nomor dua, baik di keluarga maupun lingkungan kerja. The movie has shed light on the struggles of women in the country's deeply patriarchal and conservative society.
Film ini menceritakan tentang Ji-young, seorang ibu rumah tangga yang mulai kehilangan jati diri karena terjerumus dalam rutinitas. Perasaan serta pikiran saya banyak bermain sepanjang film. She is not fighting the system as a feminist crusader. Ji Young's paternal grandmother puts the men in the family on pedestals. Kim Ji-young experiences systemic misogyny in all stages of life, be it as a kid in her own family, in school and at The actress cast as Jiyoung in the movie adaptation was bombarded with hate online. Kim Ji Young has one of the most common female names for people her age.
Trailer Kim Ji-young, Born 1982
She works at a PR agency. So she can raise her daughter, Kim Ji Young quits her job. She leads an ordinary life up to this point.
Suddenly, Kim Ji Young begins to talk like her mother, her older sister and other people. In the group poster, Kim Ji Young's family members are all looking towards Kim Ji Young with soft gazes. Watch a trailer for the film here! She is often distressed by the status of a full-time housewife and mother in real life.