Marshal is a medical crime thriller movie directed by Jai Raaja Singh and produced by Abhay Adaka. Movie review of Clownado, released by Wild Eye Releasing, directed by Todd Sheets, and starring John O'Hara, Rachel Lagen, Bobby Westrick. Review for Todd Sheets' Clownado from Wild Eye Releasing.
Characters - Big Ronnie is the abusive husband and circus performer that. Spoiler-free so you can read before you watch. Horrorific content by Yo Adrian So, there's this movie called Thankskilling that Clownado reminded me of.
Thank you for rating this movie! Starring: John O'Hara, Rachel Lagen, Bobby Westrick and others. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. The clownado rips across the country, wreaking havoc and killing everyone, as the clowns seek revenge against the woman who cursed them. Starring: John O'Hara, Jean Silver, Joel D. A stripper, Elvis impersonator, truck driver, teen runaway.
Trailer Clownado
Sheets is no stranger to my reviews and the movies of his I have reviewed are split. Horrific movie that delivers none of the enticing visuals the cover promises. A great group of battlers do their best to survive, the standout for me was Bambi.
To watch the movie we just need to verify you are not a robot. In Clownado, the residents of Hobb's End will have to deal with some very strange, very deadly weather. The film's plot description from IMDB shines a little more light on Clownado's plot. Official Post from Special Mark Productions: We head down to the basement and grab our flashlights as we watch "Clownado".