"Bull" is reminiscent of quietly observed, beautifully performed recent films about lonely people finding some Nell Minow reviews movies and DVDs each week as The Movie Mom online and on radio. How Bull finds connection between people living in the margins is successful thanks primarily to Rob Morgan, whose work here deserves the notice he should have. Bull defends a step-mom accused of murdering her step-daughter.

Rob Morgan as Abe in Bull. Photo: Courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn Films. The uninitiated see bull riding as the ultimate demonstration of senseless, pointless risk.


Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media. The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Critics highly praised this movie, were they actually right about how good they said it was? Where can you watch this movie now. Starring Rob Morgan, Amber Havard, Sarah Albright, Steven Boyd, Troy Hogan, Keira Bennett, Roishaun Davenport, Karla Garbelotto, Peggy Schott, Lee Stringer. Read the Empire Movie review of Raging Bull.

Trailer Bull

Raging Bull prevails as a film about conflicts—most obviously, those within a man whose soul had become dependent on guilt and absolution. Enter Bull, director Annie Silverstein's attempt to throw her hat into this exceptionally niche ring. Sorry currently there are no critic reviews available for this movie.

However, that doesn't mean that "Bull" isn't worth seeing. Most of the time it was a captivating and fascinating one and the key for that was the relationship between Kris and Abe brought wonderfully. Check out the exclusive TVGuide.com movie review and see our movie rating for Raging Bull. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices.