"Creed II" is a terrific movie, a boxing picture full of inspired sweetness and shrewd science that honors the cherished traditions of the genre while feeling like something new and exciting in the world. Now, Creed II hits this week and, defying all odds, is nearly as good. This flick will also end up on a.

Creed II Is More of a Rocky Sequel, But It Still Lands Some Solid Punches. Jordan's legacy boxer against the son of the man who killed his father, but this sequel is more than just a rematch of Apollo Creed vs. Creed II is very much a Rocky sequel.

Creed II

It's bigger, louder, and more over the top than its predecessor, with a more formulaic story and more absurd boxing matches. Creed II is a meaningful and poignant continuation of the Creed/Rocky films, even though it doesn't scale the same artistic heights as its Key Release Dates. Creed II is to Creed what the Rocky sequels are to the original: a more generic, less textured take on familiar boxing movie tropes. The difference, it seems, is Coogler. RELATED: Creed II: Early Reviews Declare Sequel a Solid, if Formulaic, Entry to Rocky Franchise. Creed : Creed II :: Rocky : Rocky II.

Trailer Creed II

Rocky is not only one of the greatest sports movies ever, it is Creed II is pretty much about guys getting punched in the face. Creed II Doesn't Outdo the Original, But It's a Fair Fight. Creed II is absolutely exhilarating, touching gloves with the audience & knocking out expectations.

Rocky sequels, and by extension Creed sequels, are nail-biting experiences from the. Review: Creed II. (From my partner Hannah at chickflix.net). The use of Ivan Drago and his son as the adversaries was well done. Creed II is flashier, more predictable, and far less intriguing than its predecessor, which worked on all levels, both in and out of the ring.