Bloodbath and Beyond reviews the movie Masked Mutilator directed by Brick Bronsky and starring Tom Taylor, Heidi Shelhamer, Brick Bronsky, and Jeff Sibbach. But when a psychopath wearing a wrestling mask begins butchering the teenage residents, their rehabilitation will become a no-holds-barred battle for survival. Masked Mutilator's story is standard issue, slasher division; a prologue to set the tale in motion, kills, an explanation for said killings, and an excitable finale.
Well, the Masked Mutilator has EXACTLY what you are looking for. Masked mutilator Ratings & Reviews Explanation. Masked Mutilator flew over my head and I had to use other means to see it.
I feel like it's the least Intervision movie. Not that it's good, but it's mostly just The Masked Mutilator is a real oddball. MOVIES and MANIA provides an independent aggregated range of previews, opinions and reviews from a wide variety of credited sources, plus our. The rave reviews of Masked Mutilator keep coming!! Get a free GIN MILL DRAFT with your movie ticket stub! Masked Mutilator Movie - Get information about Masked Mutilator movie wiki and full movie reviews story plot star cast, Latest movies coming soon and new movie releases date, movie review, trailer, teaser, full Masked Mutilator.
Trailer Masked Mutilator
Masked Mutilator stars: Christine Appino, Brick Bronsky, Chet Cole, James DeBello, Andrew Denzel, Jim "Tank" Dorsey, Glenn Hetrick, Jack Hill, Steve Mittman, Heidi Shelhamer, Jeff Sibbach, Paul Sutt, Tom Taylor and Doug Yasinsky. "Fabrizio Bondi composed an original score and orchestrated that. Director: Brick Bronsky (as Jeff Beltzner). After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, a professional wrestler takes a job at a group home for youth offenders.
But when a psychopath wearing a wrestling mask begins butchering the teenage residents. Криминал, ужасы, триллер. Режиссер: Brick Bronsky (as Jeff Beltzner). After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, a professional wrestler takes a job at a group home for youth offenders. But when a psychopath wearing a wrestling mask begins butchering the teenage residents. Please help us share this movie links to your friends.