Imagine a meditative film about "ghost hunting", coming from a place of introspection and honesty- this is "Light from Light". There's nary a false note or sensationalized anything here. Really gentle and moving and filled with human performances- Marin Ireland and Jim Gaffigan are fantastic as. "Light from Light" sticks to a subdued aesthetic throughout the characters' emotional journey.

The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Light from Light is likely to touch many audiences, given the way that it diplomatically depicts life and the kind of circumstances that are often out of our control while also asking questions about the nature of life and death, the idea of life after death, and science's ability to explain the supernatural. Light From Light movie reviews & Metacritic score: Gifted with sometimes-prophetic dreams and a lifelong interest in the paranormal, Sheila (Marin Ireland) i.

Light from Light

If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Sundance Film Review: 'Light From Light'. A woman with past paranormal experiences investigates a widower's possible spirit visitations in this modest Supernatural horror and bloodshed inevitably ensue — or would, in just about any other movie with that premise. In this movie, however, there are. Heat Vision Box Office Reviews Archives. MOVIES. 'Light From Light': Film Review

Trailer Light from Light

The fog that cloaks the Great Smoky Mountains lends palpable atmosphere to Light From Light, an unconventional ghost story that eschews horror. Light From Light is a quiet, intimate ghost story, in which there may not, in fact, be a ghost. The movie centers on the relationship between a paranormal investigator named Shelia (Marin Ireland) and a grieving widower (Jim Gaffigan) who believes his late wife may be haunting his creaky farmhouse.

Movie Reviews. the film is a gentle, humanist drama that uses the idea of a haunted house to explore themes of doubt, wonder, and the search for meaning "Light from Light" feels like a familiar festival indie in its quirky setup and modest production values. But it also boasts a rare, quiet honesty, and a. "Light from Light" feels like a festival indie in its quirky setup and modest production values. But it also boasts a rare, quiet honesty, and a lead performance from Marin Ireland that'll haunt you for days. Haunting is, in fact, the name of the game here, since Ireland's Shelia is a bit of a ghost hunter.