Based on the horrific events that occurred on Utøya island in Norway, were one man shot and. If it wasn't based on such a gut-wrenching and tragic true life story, this might seem like a quintessential horror movie in the John Carpenter mould. Teenagers are trapped on an island.

For leaked info about upcoming movies, twist endings, or anything else spoileresque, please use the following method: >! Twas the butler!< Not gonna watch it. It was hard enough to go trough it once, we pretty much know what happend on Utøya and me personally dont need a movie showing teenagers.

Utøya: July 22

It does some things very right, most importantly it focuses on the victims of this incident rather than the perpetrator. Special attention is paid to the Hanssen. Not all of the survivors are inclined to agree. They know about Anders Breivik's bomb in Oslo, but is he here now? They know about Anders Behring Breivik's bomb in Oslo, but is he her.

Trailer Utøya: July 22