Their own attempt at scout camp results in attracting a bear, eating poison berries and eventually When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. Read Common Sense Media's Minions review, age rating, and parents guide. MINIONS is a prequel to the wildly popular Despicable Me movies, chronicling how the little yellow creatures have always been drawn to follow the biggest villains surrounding them, from a T-rex to a caveman to a tyrant.

Minion Scouts - When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. After being dazzled by the girls, a group of Minions become scouts in an attempt to earn badges. What You Need To Know: MINIONS is not a family-friendly movie.

Minion Scouts

When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. Their own attempt at scout camp results in attracting a bear, eating poison. Starring: Miranda Cosgrove, John DiMaggio, Tara Strong and others. When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. Their own attempt at scout camp results in attracting a bear. Please help us share this movie links to your friends.

Trailer Minion Scouts

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When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges.