The Notebook tells the story of a summer romance that turns into a romance never to be forgotten. This movie seems to be postcard perfect, a lesson straight out of the director's guide to romantic. We see them in the urgency of young romance, and then we see them as old people, she disappearing into the shadows.

Read Common Sense Media's The Notebook review, age rating, and parents guide. The Notebook is the kind of syrupy, heightened melodrama more likely to be found in the pages of a Mills & Boon paperback than on the. I am nothing special, of this I am sure.


I am a common man with common thoughts So opens The Notebook against the backdrop of a spectacular sunset over a lake, grabbing our. The movie is filled with fabulous quotes and sentimental. Identify the genre of the film and its central theme. I like Movie Review Essay For The Notebook the discount system and your anti-plagiarism policy. Notebook is an adaptation of the Thai drama, The Teacher s Diary. The film is directed by Nitin Kakkar.

Trailer Notebook

Salman Khan produced the film under Salman Khan Films. Notebook Review: Notebook is a delightful watch if you love easy-breezy love stories; Zaheer and All in all, Notebook is a simple movie which didn't do much heavy lifting. You can watch it for the.

Notebook movie review: The chief attraction in this film is Kashmir. Remember playing FLAMES on the last page of your notebook? The innocent love that was tucked secretly within the pages of the school books? Nitin Kakkar's Notebook draws you back to those times.