Here's my non-spoiler review for Madness In The Method, the movie that encapsulates everything Jason Mewes can think up! Read Common Sense Media's Madness in the Method review, age rating, and parents guide. If you have seen other movies starring Smith and Mewes, how is this one alike or different ?

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Madness in the Method

Jason Mewes directorial debut in Method of Madness is spectacular. Mewes has never been so real. Having just sat through this thoroughly abysmal movie, I know how Mewes feels: by the end of Madness in the Method, I felt my grip on sanity had gone and I wanted to kill somebody. Madness in the Method is a very personal and hilarious look into the life of Jason Mewes, one half of the iconic stoner duo Jay and Silent Bob. If you've followed the career of Mewes or even the Kevin Smith-universe, you'll understand a lot about this movie. It plays like a greatest hits for long-time fans.

Trailer Madness in the Method

But as bodies pile up and Mewes becomes more frazzled, the movie's already-modest sense of gravitas slips away in favor of overacting, smirky violence, and a misplaced sense of amusement over men acting in any way effete. Madness in the Method is Jason Mewes' directorial debut. It has an interesting premise, and Jason Mewes aka Jay from Jay and Silent Bob directed an all-star cast in a pretty fun movie that it seems Madness in the Method sees Jason Mewes (playing himself) attempting method acting in order to.

Film fans the review i'm going to bring you today is of a movie that i've known was happening was happening for some time. and not that it was being released on Digital platforms the same day it was coming out in cinemas but here we are are and here is my review of Method In The Madness lets go. Iconic actor Jason Mewes is tired of Hollywood's perception of him. Upon advice from best friend Kevin Smith, Mewes tracks down a secret method acting book to reinvent himself as a serious actor - with disastrous consequences. Movie reviews for Madness In The Method.