It balances what is with what might have been and what could still be, and. Ocho hits an Airbnb on the Barcelona coast The movie moves backward for a look at the men when they were younger. The actors, the dark haired and mildly brooding Juan Barberini as Ocho and. 'End of the Century' Film Review: Lush Gay Romance Explores Paths Not Taken.

There's almost a serene, ghostly air to End of the Century that manipulates time, memory and romance, artfully spinning a simple story into something far more evocative. Like a great poem, "End of the Century" gives voice to a seemingly indescribable feeling, one anyone who's ever fallen in love will recognize from deep in their soul — as if bumping into an old friend you forgot how much you liked. Written and directed by Argentinian filmmaker Lucio Castro in his feature.

End of the Century

End of the Century is a curious film. It's a deliberately languid, freewheeling story that is content to allow the audience to wander the halls of memory Tom Beasley is a freelance film journalist and wrestling fan. Your score has been saved for End of the Century. Would you like to write a review? As its grand title suggests, "End of the Century" is about turning points, conclusions and beginnings, moments and people that appear at a precise time as catalysts, even if they are not there to stay. Even Castro's decision to shoot the characters' two major chats around twilight is conducive to these.

Trailer End of the Century

Written and directed by Argentinian filmmaker Lucio Castro in his feature debut, End of the Century is a small film with a simple premise that tackles large and complex issues of loneliness, memory, and maturity as. 'End of the Century': Film Review A beautifully crafted love story, 'End of the Century' has two understated, thoughtful performances at its heart. Read the Empire Movie review of End Of The Century.

They'd started as they would go on, an aggressive whirlwind of energy and emotion, two raw elements that, as End Of The Century demonstrates, can be found in equal parts both in the music and the. "Two men meet in Barcelona and after spending a day together they realize that they have already met twenty years ago." Review by: Darryl Griffiths Rating: ★. Two of the interviewees are smoking throughout their interviews. The drinking and drug habits of two of the members of the Ramones are frankly discussed. Movie Review - End of the Century (Fin de Siglo).