The Accidental Prime Minister (original title). The "Most Anticipated Indian Movies and Shows" widget tracks the real-time popularity of relevant pages on IMDb, and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on IMDb. The Accidental Prime Minister has all of that in measured tones.

Based on the memoir by Indian policy analyst Sanjaya Baru, The Accidental Prime Minister explores Manmohan Singh's tenure as the Prime Minister of India, and the kind of control he had over his cabinet and the country. Vijay Ratnakar Gutte's The Accidental Prime Minister opens to a booming background score. Behind the opening credits, the visuals are of monuments Maybe that was the intention: that much like the book, The Accidental Prime Minister, a memoir by Singh's media advisor Sanjaya Baru (played by.

The Accidental Prime Minister

Fortunately, The Accidental Prime Minister is so incompetently crafted, ineptly designed, terribly performed and transparently petty that it isn't even I would give my honest review for the movie but yes, i would definitely not be the spoiler of the movie. This is one of the best movie I've seen in the. The Accidental Prime Minister Movie Review: The Accidental Prime Minister movie based on the book with the same name written by Sanjay Baru. Accidental Prime Minister Review: Did Manmohan fight with Sonia? By Utkarsh Mishra. 'While it may not be an out-and-out hit job on the Gandhi family, the movie is all about one aspect: How Dr Singh struggled with the family and the party all through his prime ministership,' notes Utkarsh Mishra. The Accidental Prime Minister Movie Review.

Trailer The Accidental Prime Minister

Review by Bollywood Hungama News Network. THE ACCIDENTAL PRIME MINISTER hence is a rare film in this regard. It doesn't attempt to take pseudo names but boldly mentions the real identities of some important members of Indian politics.

The Accidental Prime Minister review: There is a complete absence of any art or craft in its making. The Accidental Prime Minister is an out-an-out propaganda film, created for the specific purpose of making the former prime minister look like a weak, spineless man, a puppet whose. Raja Sen: The Accidental Prime Minister Review. Kher's version of Singh speaks like a freshly bitten squeaky-toy, slides inconsistently in and out Accidental?