A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox.

This film depicts relation between human emotions and. In a robot world, a young idealistic inventor travels to the big city to join his inspiration's company, only to find himself opposing its sinister new management. I can't stop reviewing all these great.


Robot Review, Robot Rating, Robot Movie Reviews, Robot Public Review, Robot Movie Release Date, Robot Film Release Date, Robot Critic Review. I, Robot uses a spectacular, state-of-the-art visual effects technique to bring a world of robots to life. (from MovieWeb.com). Ordinarily I don't post movie reviews, as I've got better things to do with my time Having seen the previews that feature action-packed scenes of robots chasing Will Smith, I had. The first Robot Film Festival starts this weekend, celebrating robots on film (obviously). So we've decided to celebrate our own favourite robot movies. Not exactly an AI/Robot movie, but I believe TARS from Interstellar deserves a mention Check out some reviews on imdb is probably the best bet for a good mix of opinion.

Trailer Robo

Chicago police detective Del Spooner is prejudiced: He hates robots. A robot inventor talks hypothetically about robots evolving. Future societies dominated by robots are a popular topic in movies.

Read the Empire Movie review of I, Robot. There are awkward plot patches and you'll have to tolerate Will Smith at full strength - as well as. Eager & excited, the audience hits the theatres to watch Robot. YReach talks to the audience to know whether the movie is a complete Rajnikanth entertainer or not!