Chris Stuckmann reviews Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni and Russell Crowe. The title "Man of Steel" tells you what you're in for when you buy a ticket to this immense summer blockbuster: a radical break from the past. The absence of the word "Superman" tips us off that this new picture is less a standard reboot than a top-to-bottom re-imagining.

First word to describe it is WOW. Some of the best action and special effects I have ever seen, jaw dropping stuff. It may not have lived up to the hype, but Man of Steel is still the best modern Superman movie, and well worth checking out even if the screenplay delivers its fair share of disappointments.

Man of Steel

Read Common Sense Media's Man of Steel review, age rating, and parents guide. As is the case with most superhero movies, the underlying message is one of good versus evil, with Superman caught in the middle trying to decide how to navigate between his people by blood (the Kryptonians) and his. Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan have reimagined Superman on a grandiose scale for The word "Superman" is stutteringly or suspiciously pronounced, like "the bat man" in the Dark Knight movies. He is referred to by his earthling name. Man of Steel has more than earned its keep, and deserves to be THE iconic Superman movie for a whole new generation. Man of Steel re-imagines the legend of Superman in modern movie fashion - beginning with the story of his home planet, Krypton.

Trailer Man of Steel

A humorless tone and relentlessly noisy aesthetics drag down this heavily hyped, brilliantly marketed tentpole attraction. Like its lead, Snyder's entire movie seems afraid to crack a smile. The ambition to make a grittier kind of Superman pic is certainly admirable, but much of.

To the oft-asked question of whether or not the world is really starving for yet another superhero origin story, Man of Steel simply responds by serving up what could be as much spectacle and action. Produced by DC Entertainment, Legendary Pictures, Syncopy and Cruel and Unusual Films. Man of Steel soars above the franchise's last attempt, but is it the incredible action flick we all hoped it would be? CBN is not endorsing the films or TV shows reviews.