The Post marks the first time Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have collaborated on a project. In addition to directing, Spielberg produces along with Amy Pascal and Kristie Macosko How did you buy your ticket? or AMC AppNew. "The Post" tells the story of the Pentagon Papers, choosing to focus on two key players in the unfolding battle between the free press and a White House that struggled to keep the secrets of how our government handled the Vietnam War under wraps.

Strongly reminds viewers of the importance of freedom of the press, not for those who govern but for those who are governed. Like many movies that turn the past into entertainment, "The Post" gently traces the arc of history, while also bending it There's more than a little corn and wishful thinking in the high-minded moments in "The Post"; movies like either to glorify or demonize journalists, relying on heroes and villains. Later, Washington Post owner, Kay Graham, is still adjusting to taking over her late husband's business when editor Ben Bradlee discovers the New York However, the Post's plans to publish their findings are put in jeopardy with a Federal restraining order that could get them all indicted for Contempt.

The Post

The Post Review: Spielberg's Triumphant Ode To Journalism. The Post is an expertly-crafted and compelling film brought to tantalizing life by a master director and an all-star ensemble cast. Movie Clip From English Movie The Post. The Post is also not for the casual movie-going audience. Because of its dramatic leanings, much of the film is a slow boil. Most reviews are rated on how the reviewer enjoyed the film overall, not exclusively on content.

Trailer The Post

The Post movie review: With brilliant performances by Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg has made one of the bravest, most important films of our times. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep star as Washington Post bigwigs fighting to expose government lies about the Vietnam war in the director's timely drama. Leisured lunches in smoky, panelled dining rooms … Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in The Post.

What movie topic should I discuss next? Whether it be old or new, the choice is up to you! I sought out this review after watching The Post last night. I'm hearing my thoughts mirrored here.