The next installment in the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. Chris Stuckmann reviews Underworld: Blood Wars, starring Kate Beckinsale, Theo James, Lara Pulver, Tobias Menzies, Bradley James, James Faulkner, Charles Dance. But too many others, mainly underlings, are terribly clumsy in their smaller roles, killing at least half the scenes in the movie.
Long-running bloodsuckers v. werewolves series returns for The new movie year has just gifted us with its first indisputable film fiasco. Don't you just love January - the official burial ground for Hollywood cinematic. Star Wars" films—but "Underworld: Blood Wars" is even more of a drag than its predecessors, which I didn't think was even possible.
Granted, this has been her approach to the films from the beginning but it is especially off-putting in the wake of having delivered her finest performance to date—indeed. In the end, Underworld: Blood Wars is unlikely to move the needle in the positive direction for this series. Chris Agar is a news editor for Screen Rant, also writing features and movie reviews for the site as one of Screen Rant's Rotten Tomatoes approved critics. Even the CGI looks outdated, and in the current age of ground-breaking visuals, it's inexcusable. If the previous outings were action-packed, Blood Wars is no less gory, but the fight choreography feels. The latest Underworld movie just hit theaters.
Trailer War in the Blood
It wasn't screened for critics, with good reason: This is a review-proof movie. In fact, there isn't much point in There are actually multiple blood wars in the movie! There's plenty of blood in the latest instalment of this tiresome franchise about war between werewolves and vampires but not much more.
So, four years after the last Underworld film (titled Awakening) we now have a saga titled Blood Wars, which delivers just as promised, blood that is. Apparently, her blood and the blood of her daughter (who has gone into hiding since the last movie) can confer special powers on With an almost willful lack of fun, "Underworld: Blood Wars" introduces new dangers (self-propelled bullets and nightshade — fatal for some vampires, but only painful and. "More Lusting After Eternal Life on Earth". What You Need To Know: UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS continues the vampire versus werewolves franchise. It's hard to keep a good vampire down.