The Monster Burping Contest is threatened for all underwater creatures, when vengeful Barf joins forces with the sea monster Big Snot, to Heroic contestants, Charlie Chapfin and Mucus, navigate treacherous waters and encounter even wilder sea monsters, in an attempt to rescue their friends. We had trouble retrieving these reviews. You might have better luck if you try again in a minute.

The annual Burping Contest is ruined by Barf and Big Snot causing the entire town to go into chaos. Episode Description: On a adventure that goes terribly wrong that causes the fish to change their priorities that causes the city to wonder about the town hero. Stay connected with us to watch all Movies episodes.

Sea Monsters 2

If you wish to support us please don't block our Ads!! The Monster Burping Contest is threatened for all underwater creatures, when vengeful Barf joins forces with the sea monster Big Snot, to kidnap beloved teacher, The Maestro, and his new star-pupil, Corallina. Heroic contestants, Charlie Chapfin and Mucus, navigate treacherous waters and encounter. Movies Games Audio Art Portal Community Your Feed. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality!

Trailer Sea Monsters 2

Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus. Placing decent knock-offs of famous movie monsters in city-flattening wrestling game satisfied the destruction-filled fantasies The ability to block would have balanced the gameplay a lot. In fact, battling the sea monster boss takes.

Plot: On a adventure that goes terribly wrong that causes the fish to change their priorities that causes the city to. Just in case new aquatic feature The Meg sinks without trace, we have you covered on the top films from the depths, and creatures from genetically enhanced mako sharks to a deformed octopus to the mythic Kraken. The Monster Burping Contest is threatened for all underwater creatures, when vengeful Barf joins forces with the sea monster Big Snot, to kidnap beloved teacher, The Maestro, and his new. Movies and TV Shows will be added soon.