Read Movie and TV reviews from Kyle Smith on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics reviews are aggregated to tally a Certified Fresh, Fresh or Rotten Tomatometer score. 'Aladdin': Will Smith Is the Live-Action Movie's Best Special Effect. Guy Ritchie's family-friendly, CG-enhanced live-action version of Disney's animated hit surprises in all the right ways. With Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Edgar Ramírez.

And not only in the sense that he turns a decent tango with Jolie in a. A new rumor claims Will Smith is joining Jordan Peele for a mystery movie locked into the Universal. Smith is portrayed as idealistic throughout the "Mr.


Smith Goes to Washington": Review Frank Capra, a renowned Hollywood director, directed Mr. Movies that stay with us are the ones that reach deep inside and connect with us on a molecular level. Photo-Illustration: Emily Denniston/Vulture and photos courtesy of the studios. This article has been updated to include Smith's recent films. There's sooo many Honorable Mentions and I kept going back and forth on if I. Will Smith in "I Am Legend," directed by Francis Lawrence.

Trailer Smith

Will Smith's best movies ranked, from Bad Boys to Ali to Hitch. Will Smith doesn't have much reason to smile in "Collateral Beauty." Contribute to Brendon-Egolf/smith-movie-review development by creating an account on GitHub. Amar. [MOVIE REVIEW] After Earth - Will Smith.

Jaden And Will Smith On The Graham Norton Show. REVIEW: Will Smith's 'Bright' is a ridiculously bad movie that brings all of Hollywood's worst ideas to Why you should care: If Netflix is the future of movies, then "Bright" could be the future of the. "Seeing Smith play a failed father calls to mind the similarly heavy-handed The Pursuit of It's the movie itself, which keeps piling on the devices until it becomes top-heavy. Will Smith and Will Smith in Gemini Man. It's like being on the set of a movie rather than watching one, a making-of video with no final product to point to.