Subscribe not to miss them!* Daniel Blumensev reviews Nate Parker's new film American Skin starring Nate Parker, Omari. One of the best films I ever seen in my life. Nate Parker's new film — a clumsy found-footage political drama — is so bad that he deserves to be canceled on artistic grounds alone.

Whether or not the movie marks his comeback, it deserves to be seen. Infuriatingly manipulative and insufferably preachy, "American Skin" examines the cultural issues tearing apart our nation and reduces them to cheap theatrics. American Skin initially commands attention with the sad familiarity of its setup from countless cases of unarmed black American youths being racially Even with a brief outburst of violence and an injury amid the generally heated atmosphere, the movie plods along without much of an internal motor, and.

American Skin

American Skin is an American drama film written and directed by Nate Parker. It stars Parker, Omari Hardwick, Larry Sullivan, Theo Rossi and Beau Knapp. The sophomore slump is as common to film careers as other endeavors. So it's a great pleasure to declare that Eyre avoids the usual pitfalls with Skins, a moving, often humorous, and finely accomplished story of two brothers living on the isolated Pine Ridge Reservation. In Skin, Nattiv shows us the nearly two years of physical torment Widner endured having the tattoos that covered his face and body surgically removed. The threat of violence stalks the final third of the movie as the neo-Nazis seek revenge or recapitulation.

Trailer American Skin

But Bell makes sure that the drama stays. I liked they way the director shot the movie. I'd like to see all the sequencies like that.

Skin follows writer-director Guy Nattiv's Oscar-winning short film of the same name; although the two movies don't share the same story, they do share similar imagery, as well as star Macdonald. Ostensibly American Skin is a drama about police brutality in black communities, a serious subject that merits serious attention. Ideally we'd review the film in isolation, entirely separate from the back-story of its creator. But the thing itself is so clotted, so strident and so thickly cloaked in self-pity that its.