Sort by: Helpfulness Review Date Total Votes Prolific Reviewer Review Rating. It's fun if you've seen Aquaman and enjoyed it. Nothing much here but some insight on the female characters.
Aquaman may have revealed the ancient history of Atlantis, but why does the movie avoid the dark secret of King Atlan and the city's fall? The truth is that while Aquaman's Atlantis and its history is engaging, colorful, and original, it's not all that accurate to the source material. Original title Aquaman: Heroines of Atlantis.
Aquaman promised to "unite the seven" - meaning the Seven Kingdoms of Atlantis. Aquaman is the latest entry in the ongoing DCEU series of movies, with Jason Momoa's titular hero tasked with traversing the various kingdoms of Atlantis in search of a weapon that will allow him to take his place. When the ruler of Atlantis, Orm (Patrick Wilson), attempts to unite the armies of the various undersea kingdoms to initiate a war with the surface-dwelling humans who have polluted the oceans, Arthur finds himself forced into action to stop Orm's war by claiming the throne. Aquaman movie reviews & Metacritic score: Aquaman reveals the origin story of half-human Review this Movie. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Aquaman's first glimpse of Atlantis is meant to convey wonder, but.
Trailer Aquaman: Heroines of Atlantis
Aquaman review - a complete bellyflop. This part-underwater-set superhero origin story is a mess and even Jason Momoa's good-ol'-boy persona But then the terrifying Atlantis stormtroopers show up to grab Atlanna back, with those water-filled helmets which for some reason Atlanna herself doesn't need. We shall call this review: "The One Where James Wan Made A Ridiculously Entertaining Aquaman Patrick Wilson hams it up at every opportunity as Orm, the current king of Atlantis who is trying This is the kind of movie that opens with a surprisingly moving father/son moment even as said father/son.
With the release of Aquaman, DC fans finally receive an introduction to the fabled seven kingdoms of Atlantis. Aquaman also takes us back to the cataclysm that sank ancient Atlantis, a kind of sci-fi Rome not too far removed from Asgard of the Marvel Cinematic. Movies Atlantis' underwater oasis shines as a marvelous architectural beacon of fragmented light, mechanical aquatic transport vehicles, and dynamic colorization free of leagues-deep shadows (Atlantean eyes adapt to darkness). Aquaman is the sixth film in the DC Extended Universe about Arthur Curry's destiny in his search for the Trident of Neptune to become the King of Atlantis.