I must confess this is the first time I've heard of Mark Killeen but man is he ever the actor.handsome and all. It was a British version of a Hallmark Christmas movie. No swearing, no violence and predictable.
There are no critic reviews yet for A Very British Christmas. Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates! There are no approved quotes yet for this movie.
We will always upload all videos related to movies and TV Movie. Most of the credit goes to the creators of TV Movie and movies that I used in this video. To watch the movie we just need to verify you are not a robot. Opera singer Jessicas flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England. The only place to stay is a bed-and-breakfast in an enchanting village run by a handsome widower named Andrew. Opera singer Jessica's flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England.
Trailer A Very British Christmas
Jump to navigation Jump to search. With content : Opera singer Jessicas flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England. American opera singer Jessica Bailey's flight to her concert in Vienna becomes delayed in a remote area of England.
A Very British Christmas : Opera singer Jessicas flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England. The only place to stay is a bed-and-breakfast in an enchanting village run by a handsome widower named Andrew. Opera singer Jessica's flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England. The only place to stay is a bed-and-breakfast in an enchanting village run by a handsome widower named Andrew.