While the first half of the film tries to be quirky and comic, the 'very loud Delhi family' humour. Ujda Chaman is a remake of the Kannada film Ondu Motteya Kathe. Which means 'story of an egghead'.
Over the years, there have been several films that have tackled various conditions that lower a person's self-esteem like skin colour, obesity, stunted growth etc. Neither laughs nor the message is worth IT in 'Ujda chaman'. It is a story of a professor who has lost.
Remake of a South Indian film? Abhishek Pathak's Ujda Chaman has, approximately, everything to make it a fun and entertaining watch. Ujda Chaman, with Sunny Singh in the lead, is set in the heart of the polluted Indian capital city of New Delhi, but the film comes like a whiff of fresh air. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Ujda Chaman movie review: If the point of the film is to tell us that external appearances have nothing to do with our inner selves, it needed to have done it better. Ujda Chaman movie review: The dialogues in Sunny Singh and Maanvi Gagroo's film are questionable.
Trailer Ujda Chaman
Ujda Chaman Movie Review: Sunny Singh on the film's promotional poster. (Image courtesy: mesunnysingh). Cast: Sunny Singh, Maanvi Gagroo, Atul Kumar, Sharib Hashmi, Saurabh Shukla. List of Ujda Chaman Movie Review from various popular critics and news portals.
Kindly bookmark this page to check all the reviews which will be updated accordingly. Ujda Chaman Review by Rajeev Masand, Taran Adarsh, Anupama Chopra, Komal Nahta all top Indian Critics at one place. On the whole, Ujda Chaman is definitely not the laugh riot it ought to have been and is, in that sense, a very disappointing fare. Also, the fact that the other film on the same topic of.