BOMBAY ROSE is a beautiful hand-painted animation created by award winning animator Gitanjali Rao. A romance set on the streets of Bombay we witness Kamala and Salim's quest for love in this chaotic and beautiful city. Bombay Rose is a chronicle of intimate yet collective struggles of people who migrate from small towns, seeking minimal life in the maximum city.
Bombay Rose Movie Review: A still from the film. (Image courtesy: Youtube ). Cast: Anurag Kashyap, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Makrand Deshpande, Virendra Saxena, Amit Deondi, Shishir Sharma, Cyli Khare, Amardeep Jha. Bombay Rose revels in some ingenious scene transitions.
Rao, especially in Kamala's segment, uses a mundane real-life Bombay Rose opens to Salim watching an action sequence from a Bollywood potboiler, Pyaar Ka Fasana But more importantly, who voices him in the movie? Rao reportedly spent six years crafting this elaborately. Bombay Rose is not that kind of movie. Would you examine a Kanjivaram sari and ask what the temple border means? It's all part of the fabric, part We bring you engaging and informative content on movies that includes, reviews of films and web shows, interviews, film festival news, features and. Our Bombay Rose review considers emerging talent Gitanjali Rao's ambitious first feature film, a dynamic animated tapestry set in India.
Trailer Bombay Rose
That being said, the real star of the movie is the animation, with Rao changing the animation style throughout the movie. MOVIES. 'Bombay Rose': Film Review. same time, there is a palpable sense that this was made by someone who knows Mumbai backwards and truly loves its ochre-colored streets, cluttered sidewalks and peeling billboards advertising old movie releases, right down to every frayed shred of paper. Bombay Rose is an animated romance hanging precariously between living on the streets and loving on the screen, Bollywood style.
Bombay Rose explores all these scenarios through characters living their day to day lives, just trying to get by and doing what they believe is best. As Bombay Rose doesn't seem to be aimed at a younger audience, this may become its fate, despite the tender and yearning story of dreams, love and family. Starring Cyli Khare, Amit Deondi, Amardeep Jha The animation, however, is a consistent source of dynamism and flair. Rao opens the movie with a Bombay Rose also deals extensively in dream sequences, with almost every character frequently.