Read Common Sense Media's Dumbo review, age rating, and parents guide. The early cartoon version of Dumbo had simplicity, charm, humour and at least one cracking good song. Here's my review for DUMBO! #Dumbo.

The elephant baby is beautiful and cute, the film has a good cinematography. Another major problem with adapting Dumbo comes from that very same source material. But "Dumbo" is among the seemingly endless number of animated movies that Disney is giving a Things pick up when baby Dumbo arrives in a makeshift birthing bed.


When Dumbo escapes from the circus with Milly's help, he flies over the Brooklyn Bridge and in the background the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings are shown. Seriously, let's talk about how ridiculous it is that we now have to differentiate between a live action and animated Dumbo movie. There's been a lot of Disney live action remakes and the vast… 'Dumbo' Review. Disney's latest retread of a beloved cartoon bores. Coupled with an uninvited human story at its forefront, Burton's chilling style makes Dumbo nearly unrecognizable. Is the live action version of Dumbo as adorable as the animated original?

Trailer Dumbo

Dumbo opens in a way reminiscent of, but not copying, the original film's beginning. We're introduced to the performers of the Medici Brothers' Circus, and a map tracks the troupe's bookings. Read the Empire Movie review of Dumbo.

Dumbo, a circus elephant born with freakishly large ears, rises from miserable ugly ducklinghood to superstardom when it is discovered that he can fly. Dumbo is adorable and the film has tons of visual flare and amazing costumes. It also has dull almost lifeless characters (minus Danny Devito) and a poor excuse for creative storytelling. But is it OK for kids?