The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets. Logan is a solid ending for its title character and could easily be a high point for the X-Men series or a solid high to end on. Chris Stuckmann reviews Logan, starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Richard E.

Is "Logan" more powerful because of what the superhero genre has delivered over the last decade? The movie equivalent to Frank Miller's renowned comic book The Dark Knight Returns, this entry in the X-Men series is. Logan Movie Review: You don't have to be a comic superhero fan to enjoy this movie — watch it for the outstanding performances by Jackman, Stewart and Keen.


What happens when an onscreen character becomes synonymous. Logan feels like the first, truly complete movie in the series, providing action and depth in equal, masterful measures. It's unfortunate yet entirely appropriate that the most well-rounded. With still a few weeks to go before it's due in theaters, reviews for Fox's newest Wolverine movie, Logan, started to show up today. "Logan" is good enough that you might forget it's a comic-book movie. It's another entry in the The Times critic Manohla Dargis reviews "Logan."CreditCredit. Logan is the Superhero film that features the Marvel Comics character Wolverine as the central role.

Trailer Logan

The film directed by James Mangold has Hugh Jackman, Patric. X-Men movie franchise connections aside, Logan is a grisly and somber character drama that sends off Hugh Jackman's Wolverine on a high note. Logan was loosely inspired by the Mark Millar comics series Old Man Logan, though Mangold's While Deadpool's success made Logan possible, the two movies take radically different tones with. 'Logan' Review: Hugh Jackman's 'X-Men' Swan Song Is Bloody, Violent, Brilliant.

The Dark, Dystopian Logan Is Epic in Its Brutality. Logan himself, meanwhile, echoes Mickey Rourke's lumpen, over-the-hill show-fighter in The Wrestler, being a shadow of his former perfect-killing-machine self. Wolverine has always been a fan favorite. You don't get three solo This being a Wolverine movie, our hero initially wants no part of it.