A young girl befriends a tiger and invites him over for tea. A young boy whose dog has just died moves into the house in whose backyard the snowman was built. Finding a photograph of the snowman the boy rebuilds him and also a snowdog with the surprise that they come alive.

Just a quick review of the movie from Bella. Now the tiger has come to television, via a screenplay by Joanna Harrison and animation by Lupus Films Kerr herself always denied that her story was about anything other than a tiger coming to tea. If you've never read The Tiger Who Came To Tea, don't worry.

The Tiger Who Came To Tea

We can catch you up on the plot fairly quickly. "And then, when I could read, from when I was about four up to now, I would read it to my own tiger - or to my cat Mia who is related." The rest of the cast is starry, to say the least. My favourite theory about The Tiger Who Came to Tea - the tale of a girl and her mother being visited by a hungry feline - is courtesy of Mumsnet, a website for parents. The story is the same as the book, as a girl named. Kerr, who was involved in production before her death earlier this year, has always insisted that the book has no hidden 'deeper' meaning, and is about nothing more than a greedy tiger who comes for tea. This freeing explanation is evident all over this cute, if not a little overlong, animation featuring the. The Tiger Who Came to Tea boasted a hugely impressive voice cast, including Britain's Got Talent judge David Walliams as the Narrator and Les Misérables' David Oyelowo as Mr.

Trailer The Tiger Who Came To Tea

The tiger asks, very politely, if he can come in for tea. We love Tiger who came to tea and I love how it leaves a thread of imagination at the end for each to make up their own continuation. I love how you come up with questions and activities to go with each book you review.

Episode Description: A young girl befriends a tiger and invites him over for tea. We have three to give away, so to be in the running for one, simply comment the name of the author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea on this post! Benedict Cumberbatch and David Oyelowo are among the stars lending their voices to the festive TV adaptation of Judith Kerr's beloved children's book. "Judith knows about dangerous people who come to your house and take people away. She was told as a young child that her father could be grabbed Whether or not there are subconscious overtones in The Tiger Who Came to Tea, the book has never been out of print since it was first published.