I love reliving the hype that was going on leading up to this movie. That The Phantom Menace (and by proxy the prequel trilogy) operates differently than the first three Star Wars films does not automatically make them inferior, merely different. The Phantom Menace answers all these questions, and it does so plausibly.

It's act one of a grand tragedy: the rise and fall of young, naive Anakin Skywalker. My love for The Phantom Menace extended beyond watching the film, and how could it not when we were all But I can say fully, without trying to lean into rosy revisionist history or seesawing Star Wars hipsterdom, that The Phantom Menace was a bright spot in my childhood that still brings me joy. Sixteen years is a long time to wait, especially since many of us had to stand.

The Phantom Menace 20 Years Later

Read the Empire Movie review of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I hand-wrote essays, until later that year I acquired a word processor with an LCD screen that displayed three lines of text. Even though it isn't my favorite Star Wars movie I think it did a really good job of introducing so many new. Two decades later, the release of The Phantom Menace feels like a myth. A film too big to fail that lured in fans but left most of them seething. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is a very cool movie with an interesting plot, but veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery bad actors.

Trailer The Phantom Menace 20 Years Later

There is very little to be said about the plot of The Phantom Menace that hasn't already been said. They are primarily another vehicle for that all important logo or movie poster, another opportunity for eyes. Movies like The Phantom Menace are why J.

Watching this thing years later, I can finally say, this is not a good movie. I don't know that I was ever bored by anything, but it's wildly inconsistent and just not well put together. The Star Wars film series created by George Lucas has become one of the most successful franchises in the history of cinema, and the latest film, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, is out this month.