Read Common Sense Media's Cars review, age rating, and parents guide. Cars reframes many youthful fancies as consumable objects, ensuring that movie and NASCAR tie-in products will be in. With Owen Wilson, Bonnie Hunt, Paul Newman, Larry the Cable Guy.

Lighting McQueen leads the King at a motor speedway in "Cars."Credit. CBN is not endorsing the films or TV shows reviews. Movie Reviews (Main) > Movie Reviews (Main).


Cars. - for not containing material to warrant a higher rating. The DeLorean, or the Trans Am from Smokey and the Bandit? For leaked info about upcoming movies, twist endings, or anything else spoileresque, please use the Not only is it the only one that's truly about cars, it got the sickest soundtrack in all those movies. Grand flicks: Autocar's favourite car movies. We round up some of the best car-related films that will keep you strapped to your sofa Get all the best car news, reviews and opinion direct to your inbox. Cars was a very funny and cool movie.

Trailer Cars

I really enjoyed this movie a lot. I think that this movie was great. I though the little cars with faces looked.

At MotorTrend we love car movies. Not just movies about cars, but great movies that happen to How many of these car movies have you seen? There are many movies that are worth seeing, but there are a lot of stinkers as well. Starring: Owen Wilson, Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt and others.