Every frame of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is filled with wonder, especially Diagon Alley and the moving photos and portraits. Your score has been saved for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Would you like to write a review?

Music, Gothic entourage, Hogwarts and unchanging. Chamber Of Secrets is funnier and more exciting than the first Harry Potter movie, and adorned with some of the most stunning special effects ever. Have no fear, you legions of Potter fans: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a solid step forward in the movie adaptations of J.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry unlocks the Chamber of Secrets riddle and ends up in mortal combat with a monstrous snake and the person behind the plot. After this, there are several curtain calls, which tie up loose ends in the story and promote great feelings about each one of the previously harmed or incapacitated characters. The Chamber of Secrets has been opened and the monster within unleashed. Now, Harry Potter and his friends must find out who opened it and who While it pales in comparison to the films released afterward, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a good film as a follow up to its predecessor. Фэнтези, приключения, семейный. Режиссер: Крис Коламбус. В ролях: Дэниэл Рэдклифф, Руперт Гринт, Эмма Уотсон и др. Гарри Поттер переходит на второй курс Школы чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Trailer. Do you like this video? "Something Evil Has Returned to Hogwarts!". —Official tagline.

Trailer Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a British-American fantasy film based on the second novel by J. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. Meanwhile, Harry is haunted by a sinister voice in his head urging him to uncover the dark force that is stalking the corridors of the school.

Fantasy adventure sequel, starring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Kenneth Branagh. Note: This review of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets contains spoilers. Though I still like the movie overall, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the one that gets popped into my DVD player least. Similarly, the Chamber of Secrets climax is given a big blockbuster treatment, with Harry dueling and evading the basilisk all over the chamber.