Destroyer follows the moral and existential odyssey of LAPD detective Erin Bell who, as a young cop, was placed undercover with a gang in the California desert with tragic results. It stars Nicole Kidman, Toby Kebbell, Tatiana Maslany, Scoot McNairy. Nicole Kidman is an absolute beast in this movie.

Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. Destroyer Review: Nicole Kidman is a True Detective. It's perhaps no surprise then that Destroyer is a moody detective noir drama that feels like a horror movie at its core, and in a good way.


Synopsis:As a young cop, Erin Bell went under cover to infiltrate a gang in the California desert -- with tragic results. When the leader of that gang. Destroyer movie reviews & Metacritic score: Destroyer follows the moral and existential odyssey of LAPD detective Erin Bell who, as a young cop, was placed u. "Destroyer" Movie Review. There are times when Destroyer seems as confused as its protagonist about where it's heading. "Destroyer" may as well be called "Nasty Woman: The Movie," so committed is it to the idea of presenting a Don Siegel-style anti-hero who's dirtier than Harry, deadlier than "The Killers." Here is the review of Destroyer Movie Review - Destroyer Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. Destroyer opens like a sand-blasted remake of Jeremy Saulnier's Blue Ruin, as a bedraggled Erin wakes up in her car. Her face is ravaged, as if it has been drowned in an ocean of pain.

Trailer Destroyer

Destroyer is a movie that confuses Kidman's unmodulated funk for actual depth. In fairness, a brooding depression may be the reality of much police work, but onscreen it plays like a two-hour. (Review for Willamette Week). Destroyer is yet another LA film noir about a hard-boiled detective who doesn't play it by Destroyer is a movie about a woman named Erin Bell.

Tackling the leap from Destroyer is a Los Angeles movie, but rather than setting noir tropes against the backdrop of Los. Seventeen years after being part of an undercover operation that went wrong, police detective Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman) hears that Silas (Toby Kebbell), the leader. The latest missed-the-cut performance to make the case for is Nicole Kidman in police thriller Destroyer. And if you like grit in your films Destroyer delivers by the truckload.