Pym are flawed men with uneven pasts, but each seeks redemption by doing what's right. They both love their daughters and want to protect them/be there for them. Hope is a strong, capable, successful woman who isn't easily impressed by charm or wealth.

Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor Ants lack lungs, limiting the amount of oxygen they can absorb and thereby limiting their size. Less is often more in this enjoyably scaled-down Marvel comicbook adaptation starring Paul Rudd. Still, whatever has been compromised by turning "Ant-Man" over to the director of "Yes Man," there's no denying that Reed's movie succeeds well enough as a genial diversion and.


Ant-Man first takes us back to the Cold War-era version of the MCU, where Peggy Carter, Howard Stark and their allies worked for the early version of S. D. alongside a brilliant scientist named Hank Pym (Michael Douglas). Pym made a once-in-a-lifetime discovery called "The Pym Particle. Marvel makes a big impact with its smallest superhero yet. What You Need To Know: ANT-MAN begins with Scott Lang let out of prison after stealing from a corrupt. Big superhero-movie fun comes in a small package, courtesy of Paul Rudd and company.

Trailer Ant-Man

Ant-Man stars Paul Rudd as standard-sized Scott Lang, a petty thief who gets to shrink at will and cause all sorts of trouble. Ant-Man may not have the hulking clout of the Avengers, but the little. Ant-Man movie reviews & Metacritic score: Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) I cannot believe anybody gave this movie a positive review the acting is so so horrific which means that the writing is pretty bad so is the acting.

Ant-Man can apparently endure any amount of being thrown around and buffeted against walls and floors, but getting stepped on or eaten would not be good. How the luckless Scott happened to have greatness thrust upon him is the subject of a heavily expository first half-hour intermittently. Thor, Iron Man, and other early Marvel movies did their best to keep their comic bookiness at arm's Now it's time for Ant-Man, and it's hard to remember any Marvel movie that's been viewed with Ant-Man has been cloaked in a haze of preordained failure, and I fully expected it to follow Ultron as. Ant-Man is a lot of fun and cool to look at.