"Brave" is the latest animated film from Pixar, and therefore becomes the film the parents of the world will be dragged to by their kids. The good news is that the kids will probably love it, and the bad news. Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media.

Brave is reviewed by Christy Lemire (AP critic), Alonso Duralde (TheWrap.com and Linoleum Knife podcast), Matt Atchity (editor-in-chief of. Brave may not match the calibre of story that's come to be expected from the studio, but it does introduce a wonderful new female character that will inspire. This animated family movie - set in the olden dayes of Scotland - gives us a worrying glimpse of the Disney/Pixar "ideas" fuel gauge, whose needle is.


Pixar's new movie, Brave, isn't about talking cars or toys. In this latest feature film from the animation studio, a princess takes the lead role - a first for Pixar. This was the comment from number two daughter after watching Brave. I had to Google it, as it obviously had affected her view of the film. To be a Disney princess is to have mommy issues. This place is populated by fearsome beasts, hidden dangers and unexpected threats.

Trailer Brave

Two years ago, during the infancy of my fledgling website, I waxed poetically about the notion of "perfection" when I reviewed. Brave is an animated movie for families to watch. This movie was set in the olden days of Scotland Dr.

Heaney- Hunter Review of Finding Nemo: Although anyone may watch them, Disney's Pixar films. A brave princess who is trying to go against the traditional customs and face the consequences. Plot: Merida, a Scottish princess, is highly talented in t. Brave begins with us getting to know princess Merida, appropriately voiced by the talented Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald ("Boardwalk Empire").