The movie's hero, Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal), is a man living on the fringes. It was so excellent and brilliant. Nightcrawler is tense and intense, ferocious and obsessed, and crackles with energy and a dark sense of humor.

Review: Nightcrawler: Jake Gyllenhaal Wants to Take a Picture of You in Pain. Sounds like something out of a Halloween slasher movie. But why should people spend money at a.


Nightcrawler deliberately blurs the lines between David Cronenberg-like satire, crime thriller and horror. It also poses as a twisted version of the traditional story about the all-American entrepreneur. Nightcrawler stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis Bloom, a well-spoken and knowledgable (yet unsettling) young man living in contemporary Los Angeles, doggedly. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis "Lou" Bloom, a stringer who records violent events late at night in Los Angeles and sells the. Nightcrawler is a drama thriller film starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Bill Paxton and Rene Russo in main roles. Jake Gyllenhaal takes a plunge on yet different charac. "Nightcrawler" is dangerously beautiful, primed to grip and entrap.

Trailer Nightcrawler

Sign up for The New Yorker's Movie Club Newsletter to get reviews of the current cinema, movie listings for the weekend ahead. Maybe his outstanding performance in Dan Gilroy's seamy thriller "Nightcrawler" will go a way toward changing that. Jake Gyllenhaal in the dark, chilly, quasi-comedy Nightcrawler achieves the same effect with no apparent prosthetic help.

Jake Gyllenhaal climbs the walls as a nocturnal L. A Very much a screenwriter's movie in its habit of illustrating obvious points with self-impressed metaphors. The Big Sleep And Genre: Neither Here Noir There. Nightcrawler is a magnificent thriller with exceptional music soundtrack and very well crafted performance from Jake Gyllenhaal, where he manages to embody a thoroughly loathsome but.